The Aviation Impact Accelerator (AIA) will be contributing to two events at Farnborough International’s brand new platform the Aerospace Global Forum.

Event 1: Panel: Accelerating Sustainable Aviation and Targeting True Zero

The World Economic Forum’s Clean Skies for Tomorrow and Target True Zero coalitions are working to drive the changes needed to reach the industry’s goal of net-zero emissions by 2050. This panel will bring together aviation leaders to determine the actions that stakeholders can take now for the future decarbonization of the sector.

Chair: Prof Rob Miller (Director Whittle Lab and Aviation Impact Accelerator Lead)

Panellists: Willie Walsh (Director General IATA), Warren East CBE (CEO, Rolls-Royce), Laia Barbarà (Community Lead, World Economic Forum), Jim Hileman (Chief Scientific and Technical Advisor for Environment and Energy, FAA)

Get your day pass to AGF here.

Event 2: Unpacking The Aviation Impact Accelerator Model

Following on from the Headline Session “Accelerating Sustainable Aviation” moderated by Prof Rob Miller, Director of Whittle Lab, Day 1, 2-3:30 PM, we will unpack the Aviation Impact Accelerator’s (AIA) whole system modelling approach and demonstrate some of the AIA’s interactive tools.

The AIA’s tools can help aviation companies to accelerate choices around sustainable innovation and technology across the entire supply chain. This provides companies and governments with an improved understanding of how to target research and technology investment, and to understand the true climate impact of their decisions.

Get your day pass here.

You can watch the video, ‘The Power of Ecosystem to Drive and Accelerate Change’, created by the AGF in collaboration with the AIA here.